Kenya National Qualifications Coding Standards (KNQCS)

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Kenya National Qualifications Coding Standard (KNQCS)

The KNQF Act mandates KNQA to coordinate and harmonize various levels of education and training by publishing manuals, codes and guidelines on national qualifications. KNQA has developed the Kenya National Qualifications Coding Standard (KNQCS). This standardized system encodes national qualifications and is based on the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED). Kenya, being a UNESCO member state, has adopted the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) as a global framework for categorizing and comparing education systems worldwide. The KNQCS classifies and codes programmes and resulting qualifications based on three main variables: fields of education and training (ISCED-F 2013), KNQF levels, and levels of educational attainment (ISCED-P 2011).

The purpose of the standard is to provide guidelines for classifying and coding education and training qualifications to facilitate smooth mobility, comparability, and recognition of qualifications within Kenya and globally. 

Objectives of KNQS include:

To classify education and training qualifications and their related qualifications in terms of ISCED fields of classification based on content
To allow for clear identification of similar or related education and training qualifications, ensuring each qualification has an identification code that represents its specifics
To foster transparency in the education and training system by providing a clear, consistent and standardized coding system that reflects the content and outcomes of qualifications, enhancing understanding and trust in the qualifications awarded
To enable comparability and recognition of Kenyan qualifications both nationally and internationally, promoting a clear understanding of the value and level of qualifications across different contexts
  • NACOSTI Building,4th Floor, Off Waiyaki Way, Upper Kabete,
  • Phone: +254-020-2100272

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